Working With The Right Legal Professional

Working With The Right Legal Professional

  • Receiving An Inheritance During Your Bankruptcy Proceeding? What Are Your Options?

    If you've found yourself recently pursuing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy because of an unmanageable debt load or long-term decrease in income, you're not alone -- more than 1 million Americans file for bankruptcy protection each year. While this is often a straightforward (albeit potentially lengthy) process, receiving an inheritance from a deceased parent or other close relative mid-bankruptcy can throw a wrench into the works, often changing your repayment plan and sometimes even resulting in the dismissal of your case.

  • How A Disability Freeze Can Preserve Your Social Security Disability Benefits

    It's not uncommon for those suffering from a disability to make less money or not be able to work at all, usually for months or even years at a time. Unfortunately, these issues can easily impact your overall eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. A few years of low earnings can easily reduce your benefits, while gaps in your employment could make you ineligible. Fortunately, there is a way to preserve your eligibility for future retirement and disability benefits.

  • Tips for Dealing with an IRS Audit

    Opening a letter from the IRS that states they are planning on auditing you can be a frightening experience. Auditing is part of the IRS's job, but if you make $100,000 or less, your chances of being audited are 1% or less. In most cases, there are certain triggers that cause the IRS to audit a person, and this is most likely why the IRS is auditing you. Here are some tips to help you get through an IRS audit.

  • 2023© Working With The Right Legal Professional
    About Me
    Working With The Right Legal Professional

    When I lost my job, I could tell things were going to get tough. I was frustrated with the idea of not having a job, but I just couldn't find one. I was spiraling deeper and deeper into debt, and it was really disheartening. After a few months, I could tell there was no coming back from my financial disaster. My name had been reported to collection agencies more times than I could count. Fortunately, a friend of mine told me about a great bankruptcy attorney who could help. I sat down with my lawyer and discussed all of the details, and he was incredible to work with. Check out this blog to learn more about bankruptcy.
